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Sagittarius - February Horoscope 2015

Horoscope for February - Sagittarius
Sagittarius, the February horoscope warns you before people who would rather complain than to really solve their own problems. They will be gunning for you this month. But take them easy. When your friend will complain about her weight, gently suggest a plan for her how she could slim down. Actually, you may find after a while that she just wants have a good chat and that she is not interested to begin with some hard work and real transformation. Do not be offended, on the contrary! Smile and shower her with understanding. Arrows, which are typical to your zodiac sign, you'd better coat with honey this month. Instead of biting remarks give flowers in your comments. Others will appreciate how you can be empathetic and forgiving than before. February horoscope suggests that you should concentrate on your diplomatic skills. You will easily smooth protracted disputes and maybe get also new friends.