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February Horoscope 2015

February Horoscope brings you useful information that stars whispered to us. Find out what you will enjoy and what you should not be surprised by in the second month of the year 2015. Read about how you can be everyday in a good mood in February. There is a horoscope for each zodiac sign!
Aries | Taurus | Gemini
Cancer | Leo | Virgo
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius
Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

March 21 - April 19
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Aries - Horoscope for February 2015
Aries, are you pressed by a secret? In February you will feel an irresistible desire to share it! Somewhere inside you is the age-old wish to confess. Relief will come as surely as the blissful feeling after a glass of wine. But the question is, what will follow the next day? Understanding of your partner is not bottomless. So you can not easily spill over all the muddy water from the depths of your conscience to it. The openness between partners has some limits and the bonds of love are not omnipotent bridges of understanding. The horoscope therefore advise, whether you have done anything wrong, think first of all the consequences that can your communication cause. It is not your duty to say more than is necessary or appropriate. Do not be afraid that others know what you are thinking. Excessive spending on the internet is not as serious as the infidelity, but it can also spoil your smile. Aries, train your ingenuity and self-discipline in February and try to be a bit better again. Than you will have a pleasant feeling of every day according to the horoscope.

April 20 - May 20
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Taurus - Horoscope for February 2015
Taurus, the February horoscope says that the new year settled down and you 2015 feels like home to you. After the holidays you jumped into the everyday duties like into the moving train and the first month of this year ran away very quickly. You like the stereotype, but be careful. You can overeat even good bread if you really have it every day. It would be a pity if you ceased to perceive the beauty and curiosities around you thanks to your household responsibilities. Engaging experiences are waiting just around the corner. There is no need to pull the emergency brake. Simply just relax and start thinking how to make every day a pleasure. Look for recommendations, try a new recipe, movie or book. Try to listen other music genres than you normally do. Taurus, a small change on the radio channel can bring a great surprise. However, the greatest pleasure will bring a loved one who is able to feel your needs and sometimes even recognize when your weak moments approaches.

May 21 - June 20
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Gemini - Horoscope for February 2015
Gemini, February horoscope favors those who have a clear mind and knows where to direct their steps. Aimless wandering in the clouds can rise the spirit, but also blows the hope that you will have everything ready in time. If you want to lie down to sleep with a clear mind, think about what needs to be done. It seems to be a bit exaggerated to tie your wings of imagination with some opening hours 'from - to', but this attitude also brings some advantages. Your creative mind can rest during the routine work. You will soon need it, when you encounter a unique problem. Your keys fell into the manhole and now you are wondering how to get them out? Do you feel that you have seen someone who surely died years ago? The phone in your popular pizzeria is suddenly deaf? Then think about this horoscope! Gemini, your worries will probably be more casual in February. But according to the horoscope you can await days full of interesting challenges and remarkable innovations. All that thanks to your poetic nature.

June 21 - July 22
Planet: The Moon
Element: Water
Cancer - Horoscope for February 2015
Cancer, you know how it is with the lost things? If you are looking for something, you will return to the last place where you encountered it. If you can not find it there, you will look for the next track in your mind. Horoscope for this month will not solve your forgetfulness, but recommends you to avoid examining the traces of the past, unless it is really necessary. Sometimes you like to withdraw into a shell and licking old wounds. Such focus on the past is not very helpful in February. Rather poke out your head and breath the fresh air. You cannot change what has already happened. Cancer, enjoy the day to the fullest. Your partner knows when your eyes are full of vigor and energy. Welcome him with open arms.

July 23 - August 22
Planet: The Sun
Element: Fire
Leo - Horoscope for February 2015
Leo, the horoscope for February predicts that you can await adventure where you would not expect it. Leave for a month in the jungle with a machete, it naturally brings the premonition of adrenaline. But who would guess that you can bring home a tarantula with bananas from your favorite grocery store. Frankly, this scenario is probably difficult to fill. However, be careful, because February has actually some surprises for you. It is a good news for those who appreciate the excitement. For all the lazy and comfortable Leo it is a challenge to took off their slippers and stretch their claws for practice. Kiss your partner's forehead and go together towards new experiences hand in hand. You do not know what, you do not know where, but it's coming! So be prepared. Two is better than one. And you will enjoy your adventure twice!

August 23 - September 22
Planet: Mercury
Element: Earth
Virgo - Horoscope for February 2015
Virgo, a smile costs nothing but always will please others. If you smile, you are giving joy and you also motivate yourself to a better mood. With a smile everything goes better. According to the horoscope the smile will be very important for all Virgos in February. Observe your surroundings carefully and try to uncover what is hidden behind this joyful facial expression. Sometimes it is completely honest, sometimes people cover sadness and embarrassment under the guise of smile. Smile is also the common hypocrisy for many. Surely you will come across arrogant smirk of colleagues and playful laughter of your amused friends. But honest laughter heals. Not that it would heal a skinned knee, but life with a smile on your face has actually really different value. The horoscope recommends, smile the whole month and you will see what it does to your everyday life. The beneficial effects will come sooner than you may think.

September 23 - October 22
Planet: Venus
Element: Air
Libra - Horoscope for February 2015
Libra, your horoscope for February suggests that you can await a decision which way to go toward joy and fulfillment. Who does nothing, can also do nothing wrong. And truly a lot of people enjoy their passivity and problems are therefore avoiding them with an arc. However, do they miss life fulfillment? Also Libra can remain in a quiet mood in February and watch the sun slowly moves across the sky. But this sweet idleness will easily bring you restlessness in the soul. Libra should be this month creative and active. Leave the rest to your partner and take the reins of events into your hands. In the viewfinder, you can have sports and cultural events, experiential evenings with wine tasting or plan a romantic trip to the unconventional nature. Your fantasy will not disappoint.

October 23 - November 21
Planet: Pluto
Element: Water
Scorpio - Horoscope for February 2015
Scorpio, yesterday is history and tomorrow only a vague vision. According to the February horoscope you will perceive your life as a ship sailing in the river of time. Do not forget that you are holding its helm. You cannot change sharp curves that accompany your cruise. These are determined by your destiny. But you can influence the pace, direction and if you are lucky also the crew. Do not be discouraged by purposeful people who do not wish you luck. The smarter ones will ride on the boat with you. Only real fools will waste their time by putting you obstacles in the way. Avoid such people from far away and if a collision seems inevitable, at least let them know that their efforts makes no wrinkles to you. Your horoscope suggests, contempt is better than the energy lost in a combat.

November 22 - December 21
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Sagittarius - Horoscope for February 2015
Sagittarius, the February horoscope warns you before people who would rather complain than to really solve their own problems. They will be gunning for you this month. But take them easy. When your friend will complain about her weight, gently suggest a plan for her how she could slim down. Actually, you may find after a while that she just wants have a good chat and that she is not interested to begin with some hard work and real transformation. Do not be offended, on the contrary! Smile and shower her with understanding. Arrows, which are typical to your zodiac sign, you'd better coat with honey this month. Instead of biting remarks give flowers in your comments. Others will appreciate how you can be empathetic and forgiving than before. February horoscope suggests that you should concentrate on your diplomatic skills. You will easily smooth protracted disputes and maybe get also new friends.

December 22 - January 19
Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth
Capricorn - Horoscope for February 2015
Capricorn, it is truly a gift to love someone out of pure love. How would you look if your partner would show you a proof of his calculations? What about a prenup? According to rationally minded is it a very sensible tool, but for those who are commanded by the voice of heart is it a totally inappropriate thing. Horoscope for February predicts many battles that you have to fight on the field of relationships, especially with your loved ones. People are together for various reasons. It is not your fault that love is on the first place in your case. Hardly anyone will give you some general advice, if you should lean on the side of the cold logic or boiling emotions. Capricorn, In February listen to both, the heart and the reason, and try to choose the best in love.

January 20 - February 18
Planet: Uranus
Element: Air
Aquarius - Horoscope for February 2015
Aquarius, February horoscope says it came a good time to think about money. You can gaze into the morning cup of coffee and try to find a suitable investment tip with the remaining grounds. But first, probably you drink espresso or cappuccino. And second, is the question whether the imagination would provide you with proper recommendations. Therefore think about the joy you can make with investments. Short-term stock market speculation are only for bold. If you like gold, you can buy bullion coin or bar – perhaps you will not get rich soon this way, but you can live with the pleasant feeling that you have something reliable for a rainy day. If you love art, go to some renowned gallery and buy a smaller image of an established artist. Horoscope for February advises, invest simply in something what you really like and what has the lasting value. Aquarius, this will bring you joy.

February 19 - March 20
Planet: Neptun
Element: Water
Pisces - Horoscope for February 2015
Pisces, the year just began, but you feel that you need to take a holiday. Unfortunately, you have to wait some time till such dream vacation will come. Until then, you have no other choice but to relax in smaller batches, so to speak 'on the fly'. Be patient and try to focus on some small pleasures that will help you stay fit in February. Horoscope advises to spare your energy and avoid unnecessary stress. Do without boisterous parties and heavy spicy food. Go to the sauna or to the swimming pool. Water do Pisces good. If you can, go earlier to bed. And consider to miss some TV movies, the rest will surely be more delightful. Indeed, if you were sad and alone in the bed, certainly will not be such a problem to lure your partner there.