
August 23 - September 22
Planet: Mercury
Element: Earth
Virgo – Characteristics and Personality Traits
What are Virgos like?
- Virgos are reliable and accurate. At the first glance, they are perfectionists with a calm and balanced view of the world.
- People born in Virgo are hardworking and attentive. They have analytical skills and they do not miss anything, although they are often too diplomatic to show it to the others.
- Typical Virgos are well organized and that may cause problems at work. If they have to work with someone who does not meet their high requirements toorganize tasks efficiently, that is a real trouble for them.
- People born in Virgo love harmony and appreciate every opportunity to bring order into the chaos. They believe the world will be a better place to live, if others will also live orderly and considerately.
- Virgos handle money as well as affection with consideration. They are prudent with both. However, their modesty may sometimes seem as greed in the eyes of others.
- When you go to a meeting with a Virgo, please be punctual. Virgos do not like lazy bones, stragglers and people who throw money at unnecessary luxuries.
- Virgos do not want to feel obliged or dependent on anyone. On the contrary, they are very independent and many of them remain for a longer period without a partner.
- Male Virgo only has few illusions, even if he is in love. Therefore love with him will not be like the story of Romeo and Juliet.
- Female Virgo is a real lady who always acts with dignity and keeps her emotions private. She has good judgment, so you cannot fool her.
- Virgos take long time before they decide to sacrifice their freedom for the whole life and get married.
Meticulous sign
Virgos are reliable and accurate. You can see at first glance that they are sticklers with a calm and balanced view of the world. Often, however, they are bothered by inner fears, which disrupt their emotional balance and also digestion. "Have I cooked enough rice for lunch today?" or "Will not John be angry, because I have not invited him yet? I have to clean up first!" Similar questions can really make wrinkles on the Virgo's forehead. This zodiac sign is characteristically full of anxiety.
Background figure
Virgo is usually not very noisy in the public, because people born under this zodiac sign do not feel well at large gatherings. Rather than in the crowded square you will find Virgos at work, where they spend overtime, or in the library, where they study new books about healthy eating or looking for advice on how to better utilize the free time. Virgo can surely have the courage, but it is more or less exceptional. On a party you will find this people most likely aside and watching others. Virgo do not need to show its own strengths in a striking way, theatricality and exhibitionism is simply not their characteristic feature. This zodiac sign is generally well-aware of its real value (even on the job market).
Hardworking and well organized
People born under the sign of Virgo are hardworking and attentive. They have analytical skills and observational talent, even though they do not often give such impression (probably from diplomatic reasons). A typical Virgo is well organized, what can cause problems at work, if he or she has to work with someone, who does not meet certain demands, how to effectively manage tasks. Usually, Virgo will try to help such a person to understand problems better and to do things effectively, what eventually will be benefitial for everyone. But do not want to see what happens, when Virgo discovers that a colleague is a notorious slacker. Diligence and discipline are the notable characteristics of Virgo.
Helpfull and loving
If you are in trouble or if you have too much stress, Virgo will roll up the sleeves and willingly help you. Virgos like the harmony and they appreciate every opportunity when you can bring order into the chaos. He or she do not do it out of vanity or because of flattering, but the reason is the principle, love and inner conviction that the world will be a better place, if others will live orderly and respectfully.
Sometimes too busy
Today's world is often too complex and demanding than to be under anyone’s full control. Virgo is more than aware of this fact. It may happen that you encounter Virgo, which at first glance does not care about the appearance well or does not have neatly arranged all the documents on the desk. Such Virgo is definitely unhappy! Believe me, there must be a crucial problem that she or he solves right now, and that causes neglecting of those matters. The order is natural and characteristic for Virgo.
Thrifty but generous at the same time
People born under the sign of Virgo deal prudently with money and also with the affection to others. Their efficiency, however, may sometimes look as the stinginess in the eyes of others. Virgo can be extremely generous to those who deserve it or to the close friends. But Virgo never wast money or resources pointlessly. Virgo buys only things where the quality and value correspond to the price.
Virgos do not like lazybones, latecomers and people who throw away money on unnecessary luxuries. The delay is always a kind of waste, the characteristic loss of time, so when you go to a meeting with the Virgo, be absolutely punctual.
Helping and determined
Virgo is the type of guest that will help you clean up after the dinner (naturally without having to ask her/him for it). He or she likes to help, but is also able to say “NO”. Virgos do not say it often, but if they express negatively once, it is certainly after long consideration, and it would be very difficult to convince them otherwise. If Virgo say something, it is usually well thought out. Prudence and calculation is very characteristic for Virgo.
Virgo do not want to feel committed and dependent on anyone. They are very independent and many of them remain without the partnership for a longer periods of life.

Virgo Man
The Virgo man is able to achieve the maximum by his methods and precision. His personality can be easily described as hard-working and efficient. A positive virtue of the Virgo man is also his unique ability to be at the right time at the right place. He has a natural sense for estimating which services will be need and is also able to care about the others. The Virgo man can be a silent helper who does the generally unpopular, but necessary work. He can be the one who draws your attention to the risks and dangers.
Personality Traits
Virgo men are mostly materially oriented, very practical and rational people who usually do not have too much sympathy for the storybook romance. Frugality and caution are maybe their most typical personality traits. The Virgo man has few illusions, even when he is in love. And the love with him will definitely not be like the story of Romeo and Juliet. In love (as elsewhere in life) are these men looking more for quality rather than quantity, they are choosy and they are looking for an honest, decent and above all genuine relationship. But such are, unfortunately, not many in the world, and so the Virgo men have usually trouble to find a suitable counterpart. They take a long time before deciding for someone who is worth sacrificing the freedom for the whole life.
Virgo Woman
The Virgo woman stands in the middle of the action. Everything interests her, every detail wake her attention. Her consciousness is constantly engaged in receiving and processing impressions from the surroundings. She needs to feel safe. The sense of perfection allows the Virgo woman to cope relatively easy with common daily life and its requirements.
Personality Traits
The Virgo women are strict, but they do not lack the necessary sense of humour. They are basically shy. Typical personality traits of the Virgo woman are frugality, caution, attentiveness and diligence. Because the element of Virgo is the Earth, they naturally love flowers and other creations of nature. If you are a man and you are looking for the favour of Virgo woman, avoid harsh words and rude behaviour. Virgo women are partial to good manners and noble class. If you are not well-groomed in brand new and clean clothes, you will certainly not dazzle such woman. Virgo is not looking for the latest fashion trends, but she likes the proven conservative style and good taste. Then she naturally expects the same from her mate.
The proper Virgo is a true lady who always acts with dignity and keeps her emotions under control, or at least invisible to others. She has no illusions. That is perhaps the most surprising personality trait of the Virgo woman, because a lot of men would expect more romantic naivety from this feminine zodiac sign.
Definitely you should not push her and rather wait until she will devote to you slowly step by step. If you will press her to the wall at the first meeting, perhaps you will not get a second chance.
Famous Virgos
Michael Jackson, singer (29 August, 1958)
Ronaldo, soccer player (18 September, 1976)
Prince Henry, prince (15 September, 1984)
Hugh Grant, actor (9 September, 1960)
Keanu Reeves, actor (2 September, 1964)
Mickey Rourke, actor (16 September, 1952)
Sean Connery, actor (25 August, 1930)
Peter Sellers, actor (8 September, 1925)
Macaulay Culkin, actor (26 August, 1980)
Jeremy Irons, actor (19 September, 1948)
David Copperfield, magician (16 September, 1956)
Stephen King, novelist (21 September, 1947)
Goethe, novelist (28 August, 1749)
Pink, singer (8 September, 1979)
Cameron Diaz, actress (30 August, 1972)
Sofia Loren, actress (20 September, 1934)
Claudia Schiffer, model (25 August, 1970)