Horoscopes › 2017 › Gemini - 2017 Horoscope
Gemini - 2017 Horoscope

2017 prediction
Gemini, perhaps you would like to imagine 2017 as a fairytale year. An idyll: abundance of milk, honey and flowering meadows on which you lie watching the changing clouds – but this dream is not as farfetched as it might seem at the first glance. However, you will have to follow the saying “If you want a thing well done, do it yourself”. Thus, do not wait that a CEO of an international modeling agency will knock on your door just because he or she noticed how beautiful your smile was when you leaned out of the window. You will probably not find a chest full of gold coins during the garden cleanup either. And forget that people will change from a frog to a graceful princess (or a prince) with one magical kiss. But all this does not mean that 2017 will not be a truly fabulous year. You just have to keep in mind that the author of such tale must be no one else but you.
The 2017 horoscope therefore challenges Gemini to be more independent and persevering. Do not try to be comfortably in tow. Rather be the one who pushes everything forward and can influence the direction and development of important events. To extend your knowledge, you do not have to memorize the phone book, nor the scale of mineral hardness. New skills, surprisingly even the manual ones, will bring you a lot of inspiration. For example, have you ever tried to bake your own homemade bread? Or to manufacture a candle from wick and wax? Or to knit a scarf? Just think how many things we take for granted these days, yet we are not able to produce them ourselves. It is this insight into the “non-obviousness” which helps Gemini to rouse greater effort for independence and self-sufficiency. You will win your own happiness just with such individualistic attitude.
Are you over thirty and do you feel that your love is getting a bit dull? 2017, according to the horoscope, is a great opportunity to get rid of this unpleasant impression. Gemini, the simple recipe to keep a truly rich love life is to use your imagination and not to be afraid to talk openly about your desires. And above all, it is necessary to stay permanently curious. Whether you wish to get on the wings of unrestrained, wild passion, or on the contrary, if you secretly want to plunge into passivity and binding subordination, you can definitely count on the fact that the year 2017 will become a milestone in the ability to feel love and to experience pleasure.
Once the rays of spring have replaced the cold claws of winter, you will find out that you definitely need a rest. Even if your boss whipped the cat-o'-nine-tails in front of you or even if your glasses became misted with the superior's angry breath, keep calm and stay in high spirits. Of course you cannot put your feet on the desk, look out of the window and eat popcorn slowly. Such rebellion is unfortunately not welcome in a world obsessed with profit and performance improvement. However, if you pay taxes, carry out your tasks and live the orderly corporate life, you can be sure that you deserve moments of relaxation and proper vacation as well. The 2017 horoscope advises, insist on keeping your own pace and do not let anybody ruin your health by an endless sprint. Gemini, only when you are relaxed you can achieve real miracles at work.