Horoscopes › 2018 › Pisces - 2018 Horoscope ›  Career

Pisces - 2018 Career Horoscope


2018 Career Prediction

Writing – Gypsy Tarot Card

In 2018 correspondence and writing in general will be crucial in building the career of Pisces. You should check whether the footer of your e-mails contains all the important data. But the proper signature and the right addressing is not the end but only the very beginning of a successful communication. The main thing is hidden in the middle – it is the content! The career horoscope advises to Pisces to study all about stylistics or attend a course of creative writing. The point is whether words serves only as crutches to you and you are hobbling forward with the help of them, or whether you are using sentences skilfully as fencing swords that make the every day decisions easy and accurate. Pisces, the horoscope highlights: language is the tool of your career success in 2018!

Pisces will not fly to Hawaii in 2018

Pisces, you should also be prepared for the fact that your work is not a free ticket to Hawaii. The career horoscope indicates that on your trip to the Caribbean paradise it can easily happen that someone will knock on your shoulder and say: “Sir / Madam, your flight has been cancelled, please return back to earth”. In other words: we are all expendable, but do not worry of it. Conversely, if Pisces will be in 2018 pushed by someone to work for two, you should say with a calm heart to such daring person that you will divide the job and also the earn in two halves with him or her.

Tarot Card - Pisces 2018 Career Horoscope

Horoscope predicts a flourishing career

A career success is not just “a lift” for managers and executives. Even ordinary people will get the chance according to our horoscope. Pisces who got stuck in a grocery store in Alert (the remotest village in thenorth of Canada) has a chance to rise and to enjoy a happy life in 2018. Study the latest trends in writing CVs and cover letters, pull out your personal tarot card, get your talisman (the birthstone) and plunge into the deep waters of the Internet armed with unwavering faith in the success – and you will soon find a place of better tomorrow. The career horoscope says that a period of prosperity is inevitably close and people born under the sign of Pisces will not miss it in 2018.

The career horoscope also reminds: It is true that not an oak nor a rose may grow from the daisy seed, but it will be the unique, beautiful and original flower anyway. Pisces, during 2018 discover what is authentic and remarkable within you and let your career grow as naturally as if it would be a genuine flower.

Career tips for Pisces

  1. Pisces, the horoscope predicts a sudden twist in your career. But stay calm, it will be a turn for the better!
  2. You should be prepared for a “split” in 2018. It may be a conflict with your boss or colleague, it may be also a personal issue that will affect your career.
  3. The career horoscope recommends to hold your comfortable “seat” as long as possible. Pisces, true career is like a concert – live and unpredictable. It is usually better to sit than to have only standing room tickets.
  4. A tarot card will give a useful guidance to Pisces. Consider at least one tarot reading in 2018.
  5. Finally, 2018 will bring the desired increase. According to the horoscope rise and expansion of your power and control is what lies ahead. Pisces, enjoy the luck that is written in your invisible path of the destiny.
Tarot Card - Pisces 2018 Career Horoscope
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