
The 2018 horoscope brings hope and promise of many unusual experiences. Each zodiac sign can look forward to a special and unique message. In our horoscopes you will discover the perfect opportunities, weaknesses and challenges that are drawn by an invisible hand of fate on the life's journey of each of us. Focus on the essentials in love and career. Always be prepared – in 2018 count with the worst, but look forward to the best!
Aries | Taurus | Gemini
Cancer | Leo | Virgo
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius
Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Monthly Horoscopes
Aries - 2018 Horoscope
The personal life guide will reach the peak of its influence, which can be considered a very typical trait for Aries in 2018. But what does it mean? If you have a reliable and loving partner or a good friend, perhaps he or she will be a suitable candidate for this "guidance" role. The horoscope predicts, however, that even lonely and introverted individuals will realize how useful it is to receive inspiration and support from outside. Aries, even if your heart is a real volcano of vigour, it is often necessary to get advice from someone wise, who is familiar with your life and with the convoluted path of your destiny. This way you may avoid walking in a circle and repeating ... (read more)
Taurus - 2018 Horoscope
Taurus, the horoscope for 2018 predicts that critical determinant will be how well your life can be framed. But this of course does not mean that your existence is like a painting, a romantic idyll. It is often the exact opposite – a meeting with your mother-in-law may resemble a dilapidated shapes of a picture by Pablo Picasso and the conversation with your colleagues may appear similar to incredible imagination of Salvador Dali. That is why you have to set firmer boundaries (a solid frame) to your life, these will clearly indicate what has the meaning and real value and what does not. You would like to be the one who bakes the cakes, rather than the one who eats them. Taurus will simply take pride in independence and kindness during 2018 ... (read more)
Gemini - 2018 Horoscope
Gemini, in 2018 you will focus on relationships. Indeed, your entire life is actually just a set of connections with others, and if you were on a desert island without any friends, you would probably be pulling out your last hair after the first week of loneliness. You are a social being and there is hardly anything you can do about it. Nothing lasts forever, and you are more and more aware of it. Gemini, the horoscope indicates a desire to slowly but permanently settle down or at least temporarily anchor in some quiet and safe harbour. It is tempting to set out straight ahead the first thing in the morning to meet unexpected adventures, but when you do not know where to lay down your head in the evening, you ... (read more)
Cancer - 2018 Horoscope
The love horoscope draws your attention to a simple comparison: It is quite common that if the dust is floating around, you will have difficulty breathing, and sneezing will bring relief only for a limited period of time. In this case you have no other option than to open the window and let in some fresh air. The horoscope predicts that the situation in Cancer´s life will be very similar in matters of love. If the atmosphere is stifling at home, go outside for a walk and simply let the oppressive thoughts be blown away. Naturally, you do not have to spend all days of 2018 outside – Cancer is brave enough to face serious problems in love and relationships rather than run away from away, but honestly, everything is solved much more easily with a ... (read more)
Leo - 2018 Horoscope
Leo, the horoscope predicts that grey colour is not the right one to highlight sensuality and your true character in 2018. Although you do not need to dazzle others with colours like a peacock or like a rainbow, rightly chosen colour will simply bring benefit to Leo. Red dress may highlight that you are funny as well as energetic, a blue T-shirt can express the depth and the majestic calm, which are also an inseparable part of your personality. In 2018, therefore, do not avoid diversity in clothing and let your preferred style speak louder than words. The horoscope gently lifts the veil of the future where you can see a camera focused on you. Whether you are 9 or 99 years old, you will be an inspiration to others – for all those who are ... (read more)
Virgo - 2018 Horoscope
Virgo, 2018 may be a real highway to a deeper understanding. Whether you are exploring Renaissance frescoes, fluctuations on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, or you just want to know how to bake the best cake – all this is more than commendable, if you want to become a better person and especially, if you want to bring joy and happiness to everyone around you. The horoscope reminds Virgo that you do not need to aspire to the Nobel Prize, it will suffice to try and live more exemplary life than last year. Besides, if everyone started with themselves, like Virgo, the world would be the best place ever! The 2018 horoscope predicts that the physical condition of people born under the sign of Virgo ... (read more)
Libra - 2018 Horoscope
Libra, the horoscope for 2018 predicts that you will be struggling to find the right place on earth. Well, there are over 7 billion people in total, so it is not surprising that you want to poke your head out of the crowd to make yourself a little more visible. But let´s get this straight, Libra people certainly do no desire to have a posh life. Maybe when you were eighteen, you dreamt of lying on a yacht in the Pacific. But today you already know that one such weekend would be enough for a complete recovery – well, maybe two – and then the never ending boredom and despair would certainly come. Horoscope reveals that Libra people want to be among others, they want to be perfect in everyday life and not lost in a distant ocean ... (read more)
Scorpio - 2018 Horoscope
Scorpio, the horoscope for 2018 predicts that your character will resemble a nimble fox. You will be able to sneak unnoticed wherever you want to, every time you get the slightest opportunity to do so. Whether you are longing for the best tickets for a sold out gig, or you doubt your success in getting among the elite members of a scientific expedition to Antarctica, the result will certainly be positive because good luck is on your side! Now, Scorpios can fill any empty space (no matter if it is a “niche” in the market or a “free” afternoon) with original ideas, agility, and courage. Should the Eiffel Tower in Paris tilt its angle like the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa, you will surely find a way to put it back straight ... (read more)
Sagittarius - 2018 Horoscope
Sagittarius, like brass is a unique alloy of copper and zinc, 2018 will be a similarly unique blend of spicy experiences and material prosperity. According to the horoscope prediction you will manage to combine demanding requirements of others with your idea of relaxing but successful life. The ingredients are simple: just a pinch of courage, a handful of self-confidence, but also a large portion of modesty. And the ability to say “no” at the right moment. Our lives are long and many people think that everything must be accomplished and managed in time and, let’s say it clearly, at almost any cost. But Sagittarius has already seen the light and knows that everything has its right time. During 2018, you will focus on ... (read more)
Capricorn - 2018 Horoscope
Capricorn, although you are honest, you are a secretive person in the first place and you do not go around telling racy stories from your intimate life to someone you have known for barely five minutes. Therefore you will be even more pleasantly surprised when you find out that the people around you also agree with your deepest opinions, which you do not say directly to everyone. Whether they are your political views, sexual fantasies or inappropriate jokes that you like telling to make others mad – the horoscope predicts that all this will be accepted and create understanding among the loved ones. The horoscope for 2018 also announces the relentless increase in your extravagance. Capricorn people certainly ... (read more)
Aquarius - 2018 Horoscope
Aquarius, in 2018 you certainly do not want to remain indebted. Of course, if you have a mortgage on your house or a loan for study or business, you will probably not get rid of that burden quickly and “magically”, let’s say with the help of a secret spell or a miracle. However, horoscope predicts that scary dreams and occasional hysterical anxiety about the “boulder” you are actually rolling ahead, will weaken or disappear completely. It is quite certain according to horoscope that Aquarius will become a “light bulb”. But do not panic. You will not be fragile like “made from glass” or be tightened or squeezed ... (read more)
Pisces - 2018 Horoscope
Pisces, 2018 is shaping up as the abundant and favourable year. White colour will particularly suit you and it will highlight the festive atmosphere of each day. For you, there is no mundanity. The horoscope predicts that Pisces are able to perceive the uniqueness of fleeting moments. Whether you are in Buckingham Palace, on the top of Great Pyramid in Giza or just queueing at the supermarket – there is no huge difference for Pisces. You can find good and bad people everywhere go and you can thoroughly appreciate the presence of just one kind of them. Social life will be valued by Pisces more than solitary meditation or a stay in a convent. When someone asks you to dance or invites you to some other event or game ... (read more)
Monthly Horoscopes
- December 2018
- November 2018
- October 2018
- September 2018
- August 2018
- July 2018
- June 2018
- May 2018
- April 2018
- March 2018
- February 2018
- January 2018