Horoscopes › 2018 › Cancer - 2018 Horoscope › Love
Cancer - 2018 Love Horoscope

2018 Love Prediction
Path – Angel Card
Cancer, angels indicate that the 2018 is ideal for a change, creativity and the search for new horizons. The love horoscope predicts a period full of ideas and desires of exploring the unknown. The happiness will not fall into your lap itself. If you are single, it is a big challenge to go to meet it halfway. However, even if you not count yourself among Cancers, who rotate partners frequently, you should be prepared for a “richer” and more varied intimate life. If you are already in love and if you are satisfied, definitely you should not throw such well-being simply overboard – the 2018 love horoscope urges you only to fight against the stereotype. The journey around the world, an attempt to write new record to the Guinness Book, or just a small change of hobbies could be very refreshing for your relationship.
The 2018 cheers intelligent and demanding lovers
The love horoscope predicts that Cancer will be more receptive to the ingenuity and the demanding character of the counterpart. In 2018, you do not have to wait until your sweetheart takes you to the theater for the last adaptation of the Carmen opera or until he or she will bring you all the novels of Honoré de Balzac. The Cancer will consider as completely sufficient if you both will talk more about the planned holiday, inspiring movies, or other news from the world of culture, about shared memories and forgotten sorrows … instead, for example, of deal with the last results of the football league.

Cancer’s adventure may be full of scratches
The horoscope highlights the fact, that love can bring even some scratches and scars on your soul. Cancer, 2018 is an arrow pointing into the distance, where you can easily run into thorns, marshes and meet even some stinging insects. However, who has the heart full of love, will also avoid the worst traps with a smile. The horoscope gives an advice: grab your sweetheart’s hand and set out together for an adventure. The fever in the Amazon jungle cannot be worse than an oppressive atmosphere during the day when the warm water stops running at your home. Equally, to step on a sea urchin is certainly not as painful as to accidentally say to your mother-in-law that she is dishevelled today.
Horoscope predicts sun and rain at the same time
Cancer is also one from the zodiac signs that are uncomfortable by moaning or complaining. Rather than to fill your Facebook account by negative impressions, you would cancel it. However, there is no such a thing in front of you. The love horoscope only encourages Cancer to open the floodgates (“to say what is bothering you”) very slowly, because otherwise the immediate outburst may frustrate your prospects of the successful love and maybe even of happy years of retirement with the one you really like. Frankly, the 2018 will bring many nice as well as unpleasant experiences in love – enjoying the first is no problem, but to overcome the second is just a matter of sufficient determination and belief that everything in life happens for nothing. With each misery you will be able to overcome in 2018, you may get new grey hair but finally also the feeling of greater experience and lasting happiness.