Horoscopes › 2018 › Capricorn - 2018 Horoscope ›  Love

Capricorn - 2018 Love Horoscope


2018 Love Prediction

Solitude – Angel Card

In 2018, as the love horoscope highlights, Capricorn can benefit from the solitude. The eponymous angel card indicates that the appropriate time has come – now you may look into the mirror of your past life, balance and dream. Capricorn, take your foot off the accelerator and meditate calmly about what do you lack and what do you have plenty of. You do not have to worry about the breakup or divorce. The predicted loneliness is, according to the horoscope, only an inevitable condition of your heart and mind. Like the nature needs the winter to “relax” a bit, to gain energy for the spring when the beauty of the most diverse flowers erupts again – Capricorn should similarly take the year 2018 as an opportunity for deep relaxation, as a time out” in the sports terminology.

The love horoscope announces coming seductiveness

In the mid of the 2018, or even later, your desire to date and to come closer to others should noticeably increase. The love in all its shades will pervade your soul as well as the morning sun floods the landscape with its rays and convinces the plants to open its green arms widely. The love horoscope predicts that at that time Capricorn will be highly seductive and especially attentive to what is happening around.

Angel card - Capricorn 2018 Love Horoscope

The 2018 will develop Capricorn’s intelligence

According to the horoscope the brilliance of your ideas will surpass even the boldest expectations. Your mother-in-law should think twice whether to sit at the same table with you and measure the forces in a game. Scrabble, chess, poker or Monopoly? It does not matter! You will be the nightmare for any opponent. Capricorn may regain everything back in the feeling of victory, what he or she might be missing in love from the beginning of the year.

The peak of (love) powers

The 2018 will also bring the development of physical strength to Capricorn. Despite this, your arms will probably not be as massive as those of Arnold Schwarzenegger, you will not run 100 meters faster than Usain Bolt and you will not even climb 8,848 meters of Mount Everest – but that does not matter at all! The horoscope simply predicts that Capricorn will use the strength in overcoming the obstacles that are hindering you in love. Hand in hand with the one, who really loves you, Capricorn will enthusiastically visit those places where he or she would barely breathe a year ago and where he or she would also change sweaty shirts one after another earlier.

Angel card - Capricorn 2018 Love Horoscope
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