Horoscopes › 2018 › Scorpio - 2018 Horoscope ›  Love

Scorpio - 2018 Love Horoscope


2018 Love Prediction

Order – Angel Card

The 2018 will require more discipline and restraint from the Scorpio. The horoscope says that love should not end in a “shambles”. A certain consistency and strictness is useful, especially if you are too comfortable in your relationship. Even the solid oak chair may crack under Scorpio in 2018 if he or she will shuffle around too much (or to handle it inappropriately in some other way). And one day you can be easily surprised that your beloved counterpart refuses to tolerate your behaviour, what was no problem till yesterday.

The Scorpio horoscope discourages the infidelity

Scorpio should also be prepared for a dynamic period of life, when less principled activities (like the infidelity) can easily get out of hand. Even the best hockey player sometimes loses the puck and it is always the perfect chance to concede a goal. The love horoscope warns Scorpio: if your modest flirting or hardly noticeable philandering remained unnoticed in previous years, the horoscope predicts that in 2018 the fortune will change and you will worry about what the mobile phone, the Facebook, an observant neighbour or an unwashed glasses with residue of the lipstick may all disclose.

Angel card - Scorpio 2018 Love Horoscope

The 2018 will overcome the monotony

However, if you are a Scorpio, to which the youthful passions are alien, clap and rejoice. The love in 2018 will be a sweet pancake that you will slowly eat and enjoy. In view of the positive horoscope prediction a respectable Scorpio may be pretty sure that a crisis stemming from the own indiscretions will not come. However, who knows. It cannot be excluded that your relationship needs a “boost” anyway. If you plan to buy a new running shoes for summer, which even the Puss in Boots could envy, or a coat for winter, which would withstands the toughest Swedish blizzard, then you should also consider equally how to surprise your partner. Maybe the trenches, you trod over the years of an orderly relationship or marriage, are already too deep and you are beginning to stumble over them.

Love = change

Scorpio, the love horoscope urges not to leave everything the same. Where you already know the way blindfolded, it would be worth a try to find a new short cut or a detour in love. So, if you are regularly visiting a cottage in the Highlands with your sweetheart, try something more exotic this time. And vice versa, if you have completed all the cruises and you are only vainly flipping through the catalogue of MSC or Costa Cruises, grab the keys from the cottage in the Highlands and recommend a journey across the ocean to its owners in return. Scorpio, the horoscope predicts, that such profound change can only help to your love.

Angel card - Scorpio 2018 Love Horoscope
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