Horoscopes › 2019 › Virgo - 2019 Horoscope › Career
Virgo - 2019 Career Horoscope

2019 Career Prediction
Virgo, protect your skin!
Virgo should "protect the skin" at work. You can, of course, put on a sun cream with a protective factor of 50, but that´s not what we have in mind. The horoscope says that in 2019, Virgo should be cautious and avoid danger that comes "from the outside", which means: Do not expose yourself to unnecessary risk and do not participate in speculative businesses you do not choose yourself. Virgo, if your employer offers you to supervise an expansion to the Russian or Chinese market, leave this interesting but extremely problematic challenge to someone else.
The 2019 horoscope advises: be self-confident
Virgo, at work take only a healthy portion of risk that is associated with projects and innovations you come up with yourself, not anyone else.
The horoscope highlights that there is no career progress without appropriate risk
No pain, no gain! Virgo, the horoscope highlights that you cannot just focus on safe office tasks such as refilling the paper in printer or checking the supply of paperclips. While we must admit that any bold adventure could end up like the terrifying story of Apollo 13 (well known thanks to the movie with Tom Hanks), you need to concentrate on positive challenges, rather like the story of Apollo 11 and the first steps of man on the Moon. The horoscope says, in 2019 you should forget about shyness and look for your own direction that will bring joy and excitement in work. Virgo, you will succeed on your career journey!
Virgo has high demands
According to the message of the 2019 horoscope, it is also clear that Virgo will not give up the high standard. If you are used to writing with a gold ink-filled pen from the Champs-Élysées (Paris), you will find it hard to accept an ordinary Ikea pencil. The horoscope anticipates a confrontation between your habits, dreams, and sometimes a tough reality.
2019 as a time of gaining independence
People born in the Virgo sign have an ideal opportunity to build their own "isle of independence", for example as an entrepreneur or a self-employed person. The horoscope tells us that as employees, Virgo should be prepared to accept that the future of 2019 will require more and more flexibility and ability to adapt to constantly changing conditions, certainly to a greater extent than they have been accustomed to till now .