
The 2019 horoscope brings hope and promise of many unusual experiences. Each zodiac sign can look forward to a special and unique message. In our horoscopes you will discover the perfect opportunities, weaknesses and challenges that are drawn by an invisible hand of fate on the life's journey of each of us. Focus on the essentials in love and career. Always be prepared – in 2019 count with the worst, but look forward to the best!
Aries | Taurus | Gemini
Cancer | Leo | Virgo
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius
Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Monthly Horoscopes
Aries - 2019 Horoscope
Aries, according to the 2019 horoscope, the period of being ignored and overlooked has come to an end. Your ability to look attractive and have sympathy with others will be on the rise. Aries, you will look fabulous, you will be agile and able to answer even unpleasant questions with wit and you will be perfectly empathic, in other words you will guess what the other person is thinking about. All this will be the synonym of success of Aries. In 2019 you will throw all the shyness and blush away as if they were nothing but an oldfashioned coat. And you will quickly bat away all insinuations as if they were an ordinary baseball ball. Aries will feel good in the company of others. Rather than on an adventurous trip to a lonely island, Aries should head for a bold cruise to waters full of allied souls ... (read more)
Taurus - 2019 Horoscope
Taurus, if apple is today´s must-have (no matter if it is the popular fruit or the smartphone brand), you should opt for pear in 2019. However, it is not an allusion to your body shape. Not even to the "sharp" flavour pears usually have. The horoscope tries to indicate that pears are a particularly subtle and often overlooked alternative. In 2019, people born in the sign of Taurus will start to develop unusual talents and discover valuable alternatives inside or around them. It can be anything creative: the invention that will help collect more honey to bees, thinner but warmer socks, or a recipe that will save one-third of costs and provide more delicious treat at the same time. The 2019 horoscope also reveals that the life of Taurus will slowly come to normal .... (read more)
Gemini - 2019 Horoscope
Gemini, in 2019, feelings will be decisive. For example, marriage of convenience may not end well. The same goes for boring work – no matter how well-paid it may be, it may soon end with an hour's notice. The horoscope advises Gemini simply to listen to the impulses from the bottom of their heart. Of course, you cannot just "blindly" follow every impulse of your mind. But the horoscope's message for 2019 is clear – the key to happiness will be just what you feel. Gemini, let yourself be guided by the voice of your heart, similarly as you would follow a compass needle. Then the right path will reveal itself to Gemini. You can't tell whether there is a worm hidden in an apple, plum or cherry, unless you cut these fruits up and look inside. The horoscope therefore warns Gemini ... (read more)
Cancer - 2019 Horoscope
The 2019 horoscope anticipates time when Cancer will try to "glue broken glass". With this metaphor, we are trying to indicate that here comes a period which is ideal for recovery of broken love or relationship. But don´t act impulsively. The horoscope urges to be particularly patient. Efforts to fix what was broken in the past always resemble neverending work of a model maker who tries to build a complex sailboat inside a bottle with long tweezers. It is more than obvious that you will need a large dose of caution, energy and renunciation in 2019 (the Hermit's Tarot Card may be very inspiring to Cancer – only by reconciling with yourself will you find the right way back to others). The horoscope predicts a great hope for Cancer to successfully renew family ties or forgotten friendships and to resurrect love ... (read more)
Leo - 2019 Horoscope
In 2019 the proud Leo will have to accept that everything has its limit (even the highest trees cannot reach the sky). The 2019 horoscope heralds that a certain change in the current trend is on the horizon. Leo, if you've been doing wonderfully so far, you should be prepared for a sudden halt of this "growth" trend (business profit, international expansion, website traffic etc. will not grow steeply). However, such an obstacle should be perceived primarily as a challenge of happiness, as the first step towards harmony and stability, like it is illustrated by the rule that "the higher you ascend, the deeper you may fall". On the contrary, if the luck has been avoiding Leo for a long time, or if it has even been hiding somewhere, this year's horoscope is a symbol of hope and change. A change in the unfavourable trend is soon to come. In 2019 ... (read more)
Virgo - 2019 Horoscope
Virgo, the 2019 horoscope warns of your natural thriftiness. It could very easily happen that your desire for profit "at all costs" or for maximum savings will overshadow your natural heartiness. Accept the fact that higher yields always mean a higher risk; when you want to get something, you have to be willing and ready to sacrifice or lose from time to time – or in other words, you can't lose a race if you do not take part in it, but you can't win it either, that's 100% certain. We live in an era that puts great emphasis on gender balance, but according to the horoscope, Virgo is still a woman by the inner nature of this zodiac sign. And in 2019, it will certainly be worth taking an advantage of all the essence that this zodiac sign features. Emphasize your beauty, charm and tenderness, especially if you are a woman ... (read more)
Libra - 2019 Horoscope
The horoscope dedicated to the Libra sign tells us that 2019 will be one great journey of life. If you have a set of colourful pins, you can expect to use all of them to mark all the places on the map where you travel during the whole 2019. Libra, looking at the calendar, you may easily find that it resembles a fine selection of travel agent's destinations. Anyway, if you have the feeling you´ve been stalling bashfully, then 2019 will surely convince you that you have done at least one courageous step forward (and it does not necessarily have to mean travelling in the physical sense). The horoscope also admits that 2019 may become a year of important transformation for Libra. But you do not have to throw a bucket full of ice on your head to raise awareness of some serious issues (perhaps you remember the "Ice Bucket Challenge" ... (read more)
Scorpio - 2019 Horoscope
Scorpio, if in 2019 someone offers you a double digit interest to increase the value of your savings or maybe a pension fund that is twice as efficient as the one you have now, than a red light should definitely start flashing in your mind. Miracles only happen in fairy tales. Double digit profits entail double digit risks. And the horoscope recommends Scorpio to rely more on the wisdom of our grandmothers, a common sense, that does not know instruments such as " Collateralized Debt Obligation" or other dubious sounding investment instruments. Scorpio, the 2019 horoscope recommends you entrust your money only to a business you understand well, and ideally to one you really like. If you are enthusiast for ecology, you may invest in water or wind power plants, or lend a small amount of money to a friend for ... (read more)
Sagittarius - 2019 Horoscope
The horoscope predicts that 2019 will be interwoven with significant decisions. It almost looks like Sagittarius could write down all decisions into some luxury leather-bound notebook. That will surely become a valuable artefact entitled "Down and Up Again" that will be sold for a breathtaking record sum of $ 43,750 at Sotheby's (by the way the same price was paid for John Lennon's glasses in 2016 auction). Sorry, the previous paragraph is primarily meant as a joke! It is true, however, that according to the horoscope, the chances of "reaching the very bottom" are certainly higher in 2019 than at other times. Sagittarius, it is simply a sad fact that one who takes several wrong turns on their walk in the woods can be lost for a very long time, even with the latest gadgets in their pocket; it only takes a dead phone battery to be suddenly facing a "disaster" ... (read more)
Capricorn - 2019 Horoscope
The 2019 horoscope confirms that Capricorn will be lead by a strong desire to help others. However, every help has its price. And since you probably do not belong to central bank governors who have the licence to "print money", you should rely on your limited resources. Both financial and, above all, "raw materials" – the source of both mental and physical energy, which is a true power of each Capricorn. Capricorn, in 2019 the dominant risk is that you will give everything to others and nothing will be left to you. However, it would be a big mistake to get completely exhausted. That's why the horoscope encourages Capricorn, even when doing worthwhile charitable activities, do not forget about yourself. For each coin you put on a pile for someone else, always add one "sibling" to the other pile, which will be your future reserve ... (read more)
Aquarius - 2019 Horoscope
Aquarius, we can start the 2019 horoscope with a metaphor. If you have a sack of grain, there are basically three options for its use. 1) First, grind the grain and bake bread from the flour. 2) The second option is to let the grain (barley) ferment and distil the "base", which should rest in the barrel for several years, where it gradually turns into a quality whiskey. 3) Finally, the third option is to return the grain back into the soil and let it grow next year. The benefit is not direct, but the future harvest and profit potential will multiply. It is not up to us to advise you which way to go. However, the horoscope reminds us that people born in Aquarius have significant potential in 2019, a supply of energy that can be compared to a "sack of grain". And it would be a pity to "consume" or "distil" all the power and entrepreneurial spirit that can create ... (read more)
Pisces - 2019 Horoscope
Pisces, if you'll look for new job and write a letter of motivation in 2019, or even compose an important love letter, consider writing it in hand, using a fountain pen, or with an old typewriter, or picture it as a promotional leaflet, or a police “most wanted” alert. The horoscope reveals that in 2019 Pisces will have a perfect opportunity to show others that they do not belong to a "ruminant herd" (figuratively speaking to people who lack imagination and originality). Show others that you have the courage to do things differently. It is clear that trying to be original is not always accepted by everyone, but that is already part of this bold task. The horoscope for 2019 urges Pisces to be prepared for a crooked path that can't be avoided. A steadily ascending airplane must also land sooner or later and fill up the tank with fuel for ... (read more)