Horoscopes › 2018 › Libra - 2018 Horoscope
Libra - 2018 Horoscope

2018 prediction
Libra will find their place among others
Libra, the horoscope for 2018 predicts that you will be struggling to find the right place on earth. Well, there are over 7 billion people in total, so it is not surprising that you want to poke your head out of the crowd to make yourself a little more visible. But let´s get this straight, Libra people certainly do no desire to have a posh life. Maybe when you were eighteen, you dreamt of lying on a yacht in the Pacific. But today you already know that one such weekend would be enough for a complete recovery – well, maybe two – and then the never ending boredom and despair would certainly come. Horoscope reveals that Libra people want to be among others, they want to be perfect in everyday life and not lost in a distant ocean.
Horoscope predicts a desire for balance
If a stain appears on your clothes, Libra will certainly get nervous. Sense of elegance and a general “good taste” are simply your typical features. In 2018, Libra will care even more about balance (this is indeed the symbol of this zodiac sign) and ideal proportions. If a manufacturer fails to make a nice label for their goods, then you can even question their ability to produce first-class content itself. Likewise, Libra, you will look at people around you. A person who does up the buttons in a wrong way will probably be equally sloppy in relationships, you may think. But is it really so? 2018, according to horoscope, will show whether you are right or wrong!
2018 will make you a proud cat
The horoscope also predicts that the most similar animal to Libra will be a cat. Libra people are not like an obedient dog, which licks their master’s hand happily. Neither they resemble a parrot, which ruffles its colourful feathers and mindlessly repeats learned phrases. Libra people will be proud and independent in 2018, with a desire to live their life their own way. Although it is sometimes dangerous, remember the saying that a cat has nine lives.
Libra, there are hints of hope in love. If you doubt that any improvement in love is possible, you can expect a pleasant surprise. And if your love is like a barren desert or, conversely, too decorative batik fabric, then you can look forward to 2018, when you will get only just as much attention as you would like to actually have from your significant other (read more).
Horoscope suggests that in career matters Libra awaits a significant increase of strength. You can accomplish one of many controversial issues. Libra will be successful primarily in administrative matters and in dealing with authorities. These are fields where you can take advantage of your gentle tact and of your sense of natural balance. When you understand others better, it is also easier to convince them. In 2018, it pays to be friendly and kind to everyone. Even if a feared rival or a troublesome competitor sneezes in the presence of Libra, you will say “bless you” instead of “choke to death, bastard” and you will see that the fate will positively reward to you. Horoscope clearly predicts a career success – a success based on Libra´s ability to assertively (“friendly”) stand up for yourself (read more).