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March Horoscope 2015

Horoscope for March brings you useful advice and new ideas. It will advise you how to avoid fatal pitfalls and how to maintain your smile. Welcome the third month with open arms.
Aries | Taurus | Gemini
Cancer | Leo | Virgo
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius
Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

March 21 - April 19
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Aries - Horoscope for March 2015
Aries, be prepared for unexpected turn in March. According to the horoscope you should expect the lack of interest by others. It can honestly hurt when someone you love will show you that you are not as attractive as before. But stay discreet. Do not repay others their behavior. Rather try something new to be better than others and than yourself. Be careful with your health. If you are among those, who prefer to avoid doctors, try to overcome your bad habit this time and go to the preventive medical examination in March. To know your blood pressure and cholesterol does not hurt. And preventing health problems is always much better than healing. You can shorten those few moments in the waiting room easily by reading some good book.

April 20 - May 20
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Taurus - Horoscope for March 2015
Taurus, horoscope for March suggests that you can await some mental restart. The third month of the year is a period, when your exhaustion can easily break the dam of your durable nature. Rely on your senses and avoid everything considered as potentially harmful. All people born in the sign of Taurus should keep off the noise and stress as much as it is possible. Take at least one lovely evening. Fill your bath and relax in it. Let annoying thoughts go away. Only if your mind is empty, it can be open to new ideas. Get a talisman. It does not matter if it will be a true gemstone or a small lucky pig. It will help you overcome fatigue and hardships when gripping in the palm of your hand.

May 21 - June 20
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Gemini - Horoscope for March 2015
The Gemini horoscope for March predicts a further month in a hurry. It's a big challenge. Try to change your approach to how you handle the daily affairs. Does brisk step suits you? Try to glance behind! Maybe you will notice that your coworkers or your partner are out of breath. And if so, you need to slow down. Life is not a battle you should win, not a crush, where you have to break through in the first place. Try to find your own quiet place under the sun in March. You will find new beauty in the world, when you slow down. Go for a walk and embrace some big tree. Try for a moment, what it is to be in harmony with the nature. Than, your attentive partner will certainly bring you many flowers.

June 21 - July 22
Planet: The Moon
Element: Water
Cancer - Horoscope for March 2015
Cancer, the March horoscope heralds a nice time in your life. But certainly there are envious people, who want to embarrass or frighten you. However, you have plenty of peace and balance to resist. Enraged boss or importunate seller on the phone will not make you wrinkles. Their performance will be just absurd and distant to you. What is more important, your private and intimate life will compensate unsuccessful clumsy moments at work. Feel free to prepare some unusual surprise for your partner. Unleash your sensuality and look through your secret wishes. The horoscope tells that your fantasy will be definitely the successful hit in March.

July 23 - August 22
Planet: The Sun
Element: Fire
Leo - Horoscope for March 2015
Leo, the dwarf may look great on the shoulders of a giant. The horoscope encourages you to cede your hard work to others in March. Try to look around and watch carefully what you can use in your favor. Do not pretend someone else's work as your own. Show that you can rely on the foundations laid by others. You will look cultivated and worldly at the same time. Keep your goals low. To feel happy you do not need to invent a plan to save the whole world. It will be enough, when you will combine your curiosity with your persistence. Have you ever grow a cactus? It does not require much care, but it can properly train your patience before bloom. The March horoscope says that patience will be very important for Leo this month.

August 23 - September 22
Planet: Mercury
Element: Earth
Virgo - Horoscope for March 2015
March is the month modesty for Virgo. You realize more than others that we live in a time of abundance that our grandmothers and grandfathers never dreamed of. We need just little to a happy life. In fact the health, some food and a roof over your head. So, to be truly happy, it requires a high degree of resistance to all lures of advertising. The horoscope advises, make an umbrella from your own modesty and hide under it in March along your partner. The simplicity and straightforwardness of real love will bring you more joy than expensive apparel in your closet. Let all the angry people who you meet this month suffocate with own rage. Always keep in mind your conciliatory attitude towards life.

September 23 - October 22
Planet: Venus
Element: Air
Libra - Horoscope for March 2015
The recommendation for March for all Libra women: your partner deserves to be teased by you this month. Be at least slightly naughty. Try to figure out, how to make your partner gracefully upset. Cry out in an unexpected moment, scare him with a home ghost story or tie him to the bed and pretend that you are leaving for good. The horoscope for March for all Libra men advises: a woman is like a flower that can not fade. There is nothing worse than noticing a dull expression on your partners face. Ask her quietly at dinner about her desires and dreams in recent years. Half of them was certainly not realized yet, so you have a unique opportunity to help them come true.

October 23 - November 21
Planet: Pluto
Element: Water
Scorpio - Horoscope for March 2015
Scorpio, the March horoscope warns you that complaints and moaning will not help much this month. You must be prepared to solve problems on your own. Beware of slander and fraud. If you will not act honestly and according to the law, you can even end up in jail. But conversely, if you encounter such behavior, do not hesitate to report it to the appropriate places. The world will be better only when we all change our indifference for the effort and activity. The horoscope also indicates possible problems with your car. Scorpio, do not confuse it with the race formula or a truck and ensure also regular servicing. Try to imagine a situation that you will temporarily lose your car. Would you be entirely helpless?

November 22 - December 21
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Sagittarius - Horoscope for March 2015
Sagittarius, the March horoscope recommends you indulge in a bit of luxury. Go to a posh restaurant, buy a chair made from solid wood or look for inspiration in some famous jewelry shop. Just think of yourself and do not be afraid to make you happy. However, to avoid having remorses from such spending, you will need to show the first-class performance at work. Be always available to the boss and do not turn off the phone at night. All Sagittarius should also pay attention to the good food in March. You have to enjoy the life, but it is not a good idea to polish off a seafood platter and pour it by a bottle of tasty wine. It could easily happen that you will be moaning twisted in bed few days. Spare your stomach and do not forget that the luxury has its limits. Enjoy luck in March!

December 22 - January 19
Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth
Capricorn - Horoscope for March 2015
If you are a Capricorn, you should prepare for malice in March. Fortunately, the horoscope predicts you enough energy that will be needed to overcome these traps and troubles. Be doubly vigilant at home. As they say, the greatest darkness is under the candlestick. Your loved ones will thoroughly test your patience. To prevent harm on your body or soul, unleash your competitiveness and try some game at home. Ask for example your partner to do a test. You both can write down the household and individual tasks the whole month. Give points for everything fulfilled. And than you will see who will be a worthy winner at the end.

January 20 - February 18
Planet: Uranus
Element: Air
Aquarius - Horoscope for March 2015
Aquarius, you are already adult, but even so, do not forget the fairy tales from your childhood. The art of dreaming is equally important in adulthood as the ability to tie one's shoes. The March horoscope encourages you to give attention to the first impression, when you meet someone new. Your feeling may be exceptionally false. Although your first impression is usually a reliable tool, it can lead you on the wrong track this month. If you meet someone new in March, take your time before you make the opinion. Do not hurry with your evaluation. Even fairy tale frog can sometimes be a charming princess. Aquarius, give everyone enough space and maybe also the second chance to make you enchanted and to show what one really can do for you.

February 19 - March 20
Planet: Neptun
Element: Water
Pisces - Horoscope for March 2015
Pisces, a month full of savory experiences is in front of you. In March you can expect enjoying the adventures from which you definitely will feel dizzy. You do not have to pretend anything in front of the counterpart. Your partner will know that you have boiling blood in your veins and that you want to experience something unusual. However, you need to dominate your eagerness. Otherwise your insistence can harm others. Remember that not everyone has the same appetite as you. Leisurely Sunday walk in a shopping center can easily turn into the hunt for discounts and bargains. Likewise the evening cute frolic can easily end as a wild dogs fight. Maybe you will not get away without injuries, but the horoscope for March says that you will definitely have something to remember.