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May Horoscope 2015

It is beginning of May, which is often considered as the most beautiful month of the year. Sensitive people do not need even the horoscope to appreciate the beauty of nature. Charming flowers grows from various buds. The countryside around us comes alive and it flows beneficial energy into our veins. Whether you belong to any zodiac sign, come to sincerely rejoice May!
Aries | Taurus | Gemini
Cancer | Leo | Virgo
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius
Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

March 21 - April 19
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Aries - Horoscope for May 2015
May is the month, that beautifully reflects your current situation. Open and welcoming nature of Aries awakens the desire to rush into the world and share the impressions, thoughts and your mood with others. On the other hand, what the mind wants may not be entirely consistent with what your tired body really allows. Aries, your body could possibly need a relaxing bath rather than one more boisterous gathering with friends. Do not overreach and take a short break. The horoscope also suggests, that you can expect an important package in May (perhaps a gift or purchase).

April 20 - May 20
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Taurus - Horoscope for May 2015
The sun gains on intensity during May. Its rays will help to closely inspect the apartment of Taurus. According to the horoscope it is very likely, that you can be shocked when looking at the dirty windows. If you want to have peace of mind and prevent a possible heart attack, take some time for proper cleaning. Do not forget, that your mother-in-law loves exploring layers of dust in the forgotten corners of your home. Taurus, if you are too busy in May, hire a cleaning company. It's worth it. The saved time would be better devoted to baking some strudel or marble cake. Keep in mind, you have to care for your partner. Way to a man's heart is through his stomach!

May 21 - June 20
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Gemini - Horoscope for May 2015
May horoscope for Gemini urges for vigilance before your own petulance and exaggerated expectations. Your life can easily turn into a battlefield. So get ready for human deficiencies and slow negotiations with your partner or colleagues at work. Do not be disconcert, that the world is not exactly, what you want. Conversely, May is a big challenge for you to gain new perspective on life or to stay on top of things. Go on the weekend to the shopping mall and see people pushing full carts. Think how much of the new stuff is really necessary to make you (and them) happy.

June 21 - July 22
Planet: The Moon
Element: Water
Cancer - Horoscope for May 2015
In May Cancer should prepare for important challenges. Quite a lot of things will look menacing. However, this is because you are more attentive than others and you realize, that everything can go wrong. But chase away the feeling of hopelessness. When you rely on your critical judgment, you have half of the success in your pocket. Try to listen to your intuition as well and ´than you can not miss the target. Pay attention also to the relationships. The horoscope suggests, that you will have to reject someone this month. Even if your love counterpart would have beautiful hair like from a fairy tale, and even if he would bow down before you to the ground, it does not automatically indicate happy and satisfactory relation.

July 23 - August 22
Planet: The Sun
Element: Fire
Leo - Horoscope for May 2015
The curve of your expectations bends steeply high in May. Attention Leo! Looking at dirty homeless people or other losers can cause you nausea easier than ever. But it is because your desire for perfection is utopian. Deal with the fact, that the people and their shortcomings can not be changed in an instant. But do not worry, unlike physical laws, a person can alter or transform some rules. May horoscope therefore encourages Leo, do not want to correct whole mankind, but try to help be better just to those you truly love from the heart.

August 23 - September 22
Planet: Mercury
Element: Earth
Virgo - Horoscope for May 2015
May is the perfect opportunity to purify Virgo's body and soul. Most people born in the sign of Virgo probably missed the spring healing treatment (drinking tea with fresh herbs, outdoor exercise etc.) because of their diligence. This deficiency may manifest negatively right now. You do not have to start with the intensive drinking of nettle tea, or go to the sauna twice a day. Imagine, for simplicity, that your body is a kind of structure similar to a house. Such house needs to have a solid and healthy foundations to it's residents (your thoughts) feel comfortable. What do you do for your health is up to you. But the horoscope encourages you to improve at least your eating habits to make digesting easier.

September 23 - October 22
Planet: Venus
Element: Air
Libra - Horoscope for May 2015
The people born in the sign of Libra should prepare a collection of anecdotes in May to improve their mood in distress. If you have a responsive partner or a good friend, surely you will appreciate a helping hand. The May horoscope indicates, that you may come across an accident or you will be upset with an uninvited guest. Better than having tears on pillow is to shrug your shoulders and take such things as the inevitable fate tests. If this adversity will appear in relationships, please avoid personal attacks in the first place. But such sparking can have also the positive and stimulating effect. The best thing will be indulging a walk along the river and thinking over in which direction is your life heading.

October 23 - November 21
Planet: Pluto
Element: Water
Scorpio - Horoscope for May 2015
What will fill up Scorpio's thoughts in May? It is the career! You feel, that you have the ideal opportunity to impress others. Enjoy being the fortunate team leader or a successful head of your individual projects. The only thing, according to the May horoscope, you should not lose sight of is the ability to listen to others. Even the best horse, that gallops forward with blinders on, can easily miss the finish line. Scorpio, be exemplary with your intensity and tenacity. But remember, that good communication is the key to success. Each part of your work must fit into the needs of others, such as teeth of a long zipper, which provides people with an efficient comfort.

November 22 - December 21
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Sagittarius - Horoscope for May 2015
May will bring a dilemma to Sagittarius. Your palms will be itchy, because you have to decide whether to give priority to work, rest or love. The morning sun strokes your face with its warm rays and you feel how tempting it would be to succumb to its seduction. You would like to turn and give yourself a day off alone in the park or somewhere in the countryside. However, you know that some of your folders in the work starts to be dusty and you begin to feel remorses. You also perceive with all your senses what happiness awaits you with a partner, who can sincerely love. But even such a relationship needs the time. In May you'll have to choose, what is the most sought fulfillment in life for you.

December 22 - January 19
Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth
Capricorn - Horoscope for May 2015
For Capricorn is May the month, when the mind must be alert. If you are not strong enough in your beliefs, you will easily succumb to consumerist attractions. Do you like the car, which James Bond drives? Would you like to have venison every day for lunch instead of pasta? The world offers a wider range of temptations. However, only true modesty brings you happiness in May and no more hunger and thirst. Even when the sun is now acquiring the right strength, try to keep a cool head. The horoscope recommends to Capricorn focusing mainly on spiritual values.

January 20 - February 18
Planet: Uranus
Element: Air
Aquarius - Horoscope for May 2015
Certainly for a longer period of time you plan to sort out smaller and larger tasks and make them to a proper list. May is the perfect time, when Aquarius can categorize all desires, intentions and efforts to correct categories. Surely you will agree, that having the weekend purchase, near birthdays and even some phone numbers (only because it was nothing more suitable at hand) written on one list, this is not a good system. Try to be more organized in May. Do not worry, that by writing all tasks and ideas you will loose your freedom. Conversely, practical lists are here to optimally relieve your head. According to the horoscope is it better to afford some stylish glasses or a new hat, rather than mistaking your head for a university library.

February 19 - March 20
Planet: Neptun
Element: Water
Pisces - Horoscope for May 2015
Are you a curious fish, which attracts the open sea? Pisces, the horoscope tells, that you will have the opportunity to go into the world in May. Ideally, you can expect a business trip. A surprise with the smell of the heated sand and salt water can also arrange your counterpart. Therefore pay attention to the subtle remarks here and there. But beware of disappointment, all Pisces can not certainly be fortunate enough. The horoscope advises, believe to your dreams, because they give you strength and motivation to sail farther in life. And if you do not have a ticket to the sea now, read thoroughly a travel guide. Everything, what you will learn, will you definitely need later.