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March Horoscope 2016

The March horoscope brings useful advice and new ideas to you. Do not be puzzled with the future and read now, how to avoid fatal pitfalls and how to maintain your smile. Welcome the third month of 2016 with open arms.
Aries | Taurus | Gemini
Cancer | Leo | Virgo
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius
Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

March 21 - April 19
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Aries - Horoscope for March 2016
Aries, March is the ideal month to combat any unhealthy addictions. If you smoke or drink alcohol every day, try to leave out this hobby for a few days. You will find out very soon who has the upper hand and how much you are actually free. Consider also how much your style of life is influencing your love. Is the smoke smell sexy? A glass of wine can certainly create a pleasant atmosphere and bring people closer together, but the whole bottle is able to carry Aries completely away, which may cause unnecessarily regrets after.

April 20 - May 20
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Taurus - Horoscope for March 2016
Taurus, the March horoscope suggests that it will very much depend on how much you can relax. You are trying to approach others equally or with a slight humility (haughtiness is not simply typical by Taurus), but this time, your tolerance will be tested to the maximum. If you get a cold shower at work or from friends, your mood may naturally fall to the freezing point. The correct solution is not to get quickly back to the boil and teach somebody a lesson, but rather to stand aside and meditate about your own thoughts first. Rejoice the fact that you control your own will.

May 21 - June 20
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Gemini - Horoscope for March 2016
It is worth to mention that Geminis will be masters of the situation in March. You should prepare for this role and properly utilize it. If you are a woman, hang the dish towel on a nail and look where the true happiness is hiding. Now is the best time to start the next phase of your personal life or career. You can go to the sea, look for new love, start modeling, create a new web site or beginning to write a book full of your authentic experiences.

June 21 - July 22
Planet: The Moon
Element: Water
Cancer - Horoscope for March 2016
We recommend to Cancer to run into the yard and take the fresh air into claws. March is suited to develop your talents. Whether you play chess, love knitting or you are speculating on the stock market in free time, interesting moments are waiting for you and they will certainly move you a bit further. Do not risk too much in your efforts, rather carefully watch what you are doing well and what went wrong. If you can not play any Beethoven's piano sonata, do not despair! Your partner loves you just because of who you are now. Appreciate it and work on yourself even further.

July 23 - August 22
Planet: The Sun
Element: Fire
Leo - Horoscope for March 2016
Leo, the current month represents a hurdle that must be overcome. People born under the sign of Leo like to cope with difficulties themselves. Because this way Leos may well show how competent and independent they are. Remember, however, that often does not matter what you do, but how you look in the meantime. Whether you are waiting for good or bad tasks, try to look cheerfully and welcoming. If there is something what you can not handle, it is probably not your fault. You can blame whoever you entrusted the too difficult task. Either way, the win is in your pocket or you have a possible apology.

August 23 - September 22
Planet: Mercury
Element: Earth
Virgo - Horoscope for March 2016
Virgo, beware of the shame in March. You should be very cautious when communicating with others. Some subtle but inadequately addressed remark could trigger an avalanche, which will strike your head. But do not despair, who inappropriately responds to your criticism or jokes, usually hides a much deeper problem. However, you can hardly give an advice to someone, who refuses to accept it. Focus on something beautiful and pleasant. Ideally the partner or love for the arts will give joy and fulfillment to Virgo.

September 23 - October 22
Planet: Venus
Element: Air
Libra - Horoscope for March 2016
The March horoscope points out how important it is for Libra to avoid being alone in the world. All inconveniences are easier to absorb if a loving partner can embrace you, or at least if you have a pet that welcomes you every time with a guileless face. Real magic can be found in a conversation with anyone close who can understand the pleasures and worries that you experience. Libra, to recognize the depth of each your word can really only the true life partner or a genuine friend.

October 23 - November 21
Planet: Pluto
Element: Water
Scorpio - Horoscope for March 2016
The horoscope says that this month will fairness be an essential thing for you. Scorpios will focus on issues related to equality, whether in the field of differences between men and women, rich and poor, or within your working group. Although Scorpio can come to any conclusion, please do not forget the importance of a peaceful home background. Do not go into a battle against poverty and for equal opportunities for all, if your family or private life should suffer.

November 22 - December 21
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Sagittarius - Horoscope for March 2016
Sagittarius, try to remember the atmosphere of old movies (even those black and white), when women wore skirts and men shirts in everyday occasions. March can engage your attention with certain nostalgic mood. You will be more receptive to others, how they dress and what energy they radiate. You will admit that the tradition has an important value. Sagittarius, you will impress others when you cleverly utilize the time-tested recipes and models.

December 22 - January 19
Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth
Capricorn - Horoscope for March 2016
Capricorn, this month you will acquire the taste to tease, surprise and maybe even shock in the public. Best solution is to settle for a reasonable compromise. If you want to take somebody's breath away, you do not have to dye your hair green. To take a t-shirt with the Sex Pistols punk band motive can be sufficient, or to wear a jacket inside out and tell everyone that you do not accept the conventional style. The possibilities are inexhaustible, but the ideal is to focus the creativity to privacy and intimacy where you can pleasantly surprise your partner.

January 20 - February 18
Planet: Uranus
Element: Air
Aquarius - Horoscope for March 2016
Aquarius, whatever happens in March, you certainly should not grieve. Lift your head and look with optimism forward. You can get the most if you go to an amiable soul or visit friends. If you feel lonely, there are lots of wonderful ways to get acquainted now. From social networks, through general and specialized dating to the regular meetings of various friends (from Star Trek to cooking). This month Aquarians will get new ideas and the necessary motivation to make them true from others.

February 19 - March 20
Planet: Neptun
Element: Water
Pisces - Horoscope for March 2016
This month will bring meetings with people who want to spoil your mood (a reluctant salesman, intrusive journalist, etc.) But Pisces know that the real sun shine right in their own heart. Let all remain in their anger and resentment. On the contrary, the more negative people you meet, the more stronger your inner happiness will be. Pisces will be well aware of what delight and pleasure they have inside when they see the lack of comfort all around.