Horoscopes › 2019 › Cancer - 2019 Horoscope
Cancer - 2019 Horoscope

2019 prediction
2019 brings hope for relationship recovery
The 2019 horoscope anticipates time when Cancer will try to "glue broken glass". With this metaphor, we are trying to indicate that here comes a period which is ideal for recovery of broken love or relationship. But don´t act impulsively. The horoscope urges to be particularly patient. Efforts to fix what was broken in the past always resemble neverending work of a model maker who tries to build a complex sailboat inside a bottle with long tweezers. It is more than obvious that you will need a large dose of caution, energy and renunciation in 2019 (the Hermit's Tarot Card may be very inspiring to Cancer – only by reconciling with yourself will you find the right way back to others). The horoscope predicts a great hope for Cancer to successfully renew family ties or forgotten friendships and to resurrect love.
The household will be Cancer´s kingdom
Your household may become a real kingdom where Cancer decides to rule and improve. However, the 2019 horoscope tells you that rather than paying attention to a golden door handle or a buffalo skin on the wall, you will be more interested in practical matters such as an elegant and trouble-free water tap or an effective shopping list attached to the fridge. Thanks to this, you may avoid a weekend famine or at least an embarrassing situation when you do not have anything to offer to unexpected visitors. According to the horoscope, in 2019 Cancer will show a great deal of anticipation and practical improvements in domestic affairs.
Horoscope highlights good health and superb ability to estimate
Regarding possible long-lasting health problems, it looks like 2019 will bring a smile on the face of Cancer, probably accompanied by a positive development of body and soul. Cancer will have a good control over their lives. Therefore you can sleep happily, because nothing is likely to bring a nasty surprise to you. By the way, foolish dreamers are rather rare among the people born under Cancer. The Horoscope also predicts a gift of great estimate to Cancer. If someone in 2019 will master the "rule of thumb", it is Cancer. How tall is a tower, or how much a horse weighs, or how far the price of Asian stocks will climb? Cancer will know without measuring or analysing!

Gemstone Cancer - Tree Agate
Cancer, certain "fragmentation" of emotions will be typical for 2019; love is like a ship rocking on the sea waves. The horoscope indicates a rising tendency to look for the pleasant rhythm and harmony of your heart. Maybe your mind will be overwhelmed by a feeling that you owe someone in love. But this is only a matter of opinion. As the rule of Jerry Dušek (Czech actor and folk philosopher) number 17 says: "Remember that you never owe anything to anyone". Cancer, the horoscope suggests that above all you should concentrate on the fact that the best way to achieve satisfaction in love is to think primarily of yourself, of your own peace, of the art of forgiving (yourself as well), and you certainly should not give in to sudden impulses (read more).
The 2019 horoscope states a clear trend to move forward in work. The trajectory of Cancer's career is predetermined by many future decisions that will typically not look like "walking on the spot". On the contrary, it seems that Cancer is waiting for a significant career leap forward. It is also highly likely you will visit many new places or even work abroad. A movie about Steve Jobs (founder of Apple) has already been filmed; a movie about you not yet. However, according to the horoscope, 2019 can become a real milestone in what Cancer can give the world and how people born in this zodiac sign may leave their trace in history (read more).