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February Horoscope 2016

Slowly comes the Saint Valentine's Day (February 14), a holiday celebrating our love. The February horoscope provides useful information that will help paint a smile on your face. Find out what you will enjoy and what you should focus on in the second month of 2016. Read the horoscope for your sign and discover how you can stay in a good mood in February.
Aries | Taurus | Gemini
Cancer | Leo | Virgo
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius
Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

March 21 - April 19
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Aries - Horoscope for February 2016
Aries, get ready to climb into the stratosphere. In February, you will be unstoppable. The tension, however, will bring the water to your mill. You will get the assignment from the boss to bring the trophy in the form of rival companies. A little hard task – but for someone who is young in spirit, also encouraging motivation how to face a new challenge. Aries can look forward to a great chemistry in partnership. If you go to a party or any other social gathering, you can certainly count on the fact that you have to drive suitors away rather than search them.

April 20 - May 20
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Taurus - Horoscope for February 2016
Taurus, February will wave with a red scarf in front of your eyes. You have not seen so much sloppy and poorly job done for a long time. Many people still have the audacity to publish their half-way performances as a success. However, every true Taurus is able to rise above the adversity that surrounds him or her. The real wealth is your ability to resist conflict situations to the last moment, but also to firmly insist on your demands. The horoscope says – be calm and eat nuts with honey, because they are strengthening your nervous system.

May 21 - June 20
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Gemini - Horoscope for February 2016
Gemini, February will not be boring at all! Impale the February on a fork and enjoy its spicy flavor! During your journey through this month you will meet many trusting and naive people. Do a good deed and give them your valuable experience. You will be rewarded for it at the end of the month. Finally, you can recognize the blissful feeling at the heart rising from the satisfaction – you will help someone who had earlier stumbled to find a better way in the difficult terrain of life. Gemini, your face will brighten due such altruistic behavior.

June 21 - July 22
Planet: The Moon
Element: Water
Cancer - Horoscope for February 2016
Cancer, you will be busy in February. Your head will resemble a lettuce (with slight exaggeration). Lots of ideas and impulses (the single leaves) will assemble together the very rich and rewarding healthy unit. However, the speed is not beneficial to Cancers when they are trying to solve problems. On the contrary, be alert and judicious – enjoy the floweriness of ideas that are associated with your tasks. Unleash your imagination and fantasy. Do not be afraid to tell NO to friends and superiors, if you feel that the rush is not in place.

July 23 - August 22
Planet: The Sun
Element: Fire
Leo - Horoscope for February 2016
February 2016 will bring a lot of joy to Leo. Just as mother's milk provides nutrients to children the source of the strength for Leos will be their social life. An indispensable source of energy for you becomes any kind of conversation. It does not matter whether you decide to choose your partner, friends or colleagues as a victim, you become a vampire that sucks the energy from others perfectly. Do not avoid social activities, on the contrary, seek them! After all everyone becomes enthusiastic because of your eloquence, and you can still recharge your batteries.

August 23 - September 22
Planet: Mercury
Element: Earth
Virgo - Horoscope for February 2016
The February horoscope reminds Virgo that it is necessary to think about other values except the work, because they jointly form a happy life. As only one kind of tree does not help much the forest (resilient forests are mixed) neither does help if you sacrifice all the time to career. You can try anything for variety's sake, even to go to church, but you will do best when you take partner's palm and try using it for inspiration. Virgo, with the help of palmistry, look at the individual lines and try to come up with an engaging adventure.

September 23 - October 22
Planet: Venus
Element: Air
Libra - Horoscope for February 2016
Libra, smiling everything goes better. Just be careful that your smile is truly sincere and effortless. Only relaxed you can be yourself – and just like that, without any pretense, you will properly express your gentle thoughts, feelings and desires to others. The February horoscope for Libra heralds a period full of searching and waiting. Better than bumble around in your own indecision will be to frankly admit that you are a calm and romantic soul who just does not want to rush this month.

October 23 - November 21
Planet: Pluto
Element: Water
Scorpio - Horoscope for February 2016
Scorpio, get ready for a bit of art which can release your hardening veins. You do not have to whip yourself with some hardly digestible bites such as Pablo Picasso. It will suffice to let a little beauty and harmony into your mind (prefer the form of paintings of angels, flowering meadows or plump and cute children). Visit an exhibition, a show or at least change the wallpaper on your computer desktop. Scorpio, negative emotions such as fear, grievance or conspiracy feeling are threatening to take over your soul in February. Resist them with positive thoughts.

November 22 - December 21
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Sagittarius - Horoscope for February 2016
You want to shock others this month. Sagittarius, you are obviously struggling with the question whether it is better to be in the center of attention (even at the cost of occasional trouble), or biting the bullet and withdrawing into seclusion. During February, however, the trend seems to be clear. Sagittarius, you will enjoy taking the care of the entertainment around (your opinions, dressing etc.). Others whispering about you will simply do extremely well to your ego this month.

December 22 - January 19
Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth
Capricorn - Horoscope for February 2016
Capricorn, your detective talent will raise during February. Anyone with a pitiful appearance will arouse your attention – how does someone can come to such state? But even if you solve this puzzle, you will find that you can not save the whole world. And most importantly, that many people frankly do not care about your well-intentioned advices or deep analysis (well, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.). Therefore concentrate on topics and areas where your perfect scent can be applied best, anywhere from continuing Sherlock Holmes to reveal the truth about UFOs.

January 20 - February 18
Planet: Uranus
Element: Air
Aquarius - Horoscope for February 2016
Aquarius, there is a small child hidden in each adult. In February, it is necessary to realize this truth and drive away the stifling hollowness of maturity, which is starting to creep into your heart. Aquarius, admit yourself (and also to your partner), that sometimes you want to play and cavort disregarding the social norms. Even though you are an expert in physics, a director of a post office or even a common vegetable seller, you have the right to convert, at least temporarily, into a toddler or a mischievous dog. Aquarius, to extricate for a moment from the capture of social norms is sometimes simply very relieving.

February 19 - March 20
Planet: Neptun
Element: Water
Pisces - Horoscope for February 2016
Pisces, the February horoscope calls for frugality. You can find this time an unexpected happiness in this quality. Beautiful things are not only the new ones, so think about where you were last time in a second-hand, bazaar, antiquarian bookshop or when did you bought something on eBay. But look at the world also from the other side. Did you know that there are a lot of things that disturb your home and other people could be even more happy with them? And please do not concentrate only on money. Offer at least one thing to someone free of charge.