Horoscopes › 2018 › March Horoscope
March 2018 Horoscope

Choose your zodiac sign and enjoy the horoscope. In our horoscopes you will discover the perfect opportunities, weaknesses and challenges that are drawn by an invisible hand of fate on the life's journey of each of us.
Aries | Taurus | Gemini
Cancer | Leo | Virgo
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius
Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Today, some android smart phones allow taking pictures by saying the word "cheese". And in March Aries will have a great opportunity to smile. Be careful, therefore, not to be captured at too many photos, because the period of plenty "cheesy" smiles awaits you. March 2018, however, may be surprisingly interrupted by several privacy interventions. Changing your mailbox password for a new one, considerably longer (i.e. a verse of favorite poems without gaps) is a good idea. But Aries, the best advice of the horoscope is to live a sincere and virtuous life; that you do not have to be ashamed of anything private.
» The 2018 horoscope for Aries

Taurus, the father's character should be enormously significant for you in March. It's simply the question about your deep relationship with parents, especially with your dad, and also, how well you play the parental role yourself. All this with an emphasis on typical male qualities, such as: strict discipline and authority. The horoscope for the third month of 2018 also announces sweet fruits. Your work and your private life will bring results. But do not expect miracles. Even wine must grow and mature until its grapes are sweet.
» The 2018 horoscope for Taurus

Gemini considering marriage in 2018 should know, that March will be the perfect month for such an event. There is the awakening of nature from cold winter sleep on the program, but also the outburst of emotions that were silent but still hot under your calm face. Gemini can look as a sturdy bison at first sight, standing still permanently. However, the horoscope reveals that in his or her mind, feelings start moving slowly, and that means his or her mighty body will come forward in a moment.
» The 2018 horoscope for Gemini

Cancer, make a step forward and focus on the ultimate appearance in March. It’s important especially for your success and satisfaction. Do you want a Paris Boucheron perfume, a Burberry London scarf or a Bvlgari earrings from Italy? Where to start? You do not need to have everything at once. But the horoscope tells that it will make you very happy when you show the unique and refined taste. Besides, even if you run let's say a dog hotel, or if you own a garbage recycling factory, or if you work on a farm, it does not mean you should look poor. On the contrary. The March horoscope signals green on traffic lights, at least in the area of appearance and overall better impression.
» The 2018 horoscope for Cancer

Leo is heading to a sleepy period in partner relationships. You will not have to deal with anything crucial this month, which is very good. All the cells of the body need to rest when they are asleep, and love can't hold for long without gaining new energy from time to time as well. People born under the sign of Leo will act economically in work. The crucial "kick-off " – the moment when it comes to deciding on essential things, awaits you at the end of March, but probably even later.
» The 2018 horoscope for Leo

Virgo, sharpening of all your senses will be typical in March of 2018. Especially hearing will be the source of unique pleasure, but sometimes also the cause of immense suffering. The beautiful melodies you may hear on a radio or in a cafe or in a concert hall, they will lift you up to heavens. But this euphoria may soon disappear, precisely in the moment when you will unintentionally hear the conversation of your neighbours and realize that your best friends are being slandered. The 2018 horoscope recommends to Virgo: do not interfere uselessly and do not try to convince everyone who is wrong.
» The 2018 horoscope for Virgo

"Cherchez la femme" – Seek the woman. March will be the month suppressing rest and peace, and especially women will play a key role in it (mom, sister, girlfriend, senior ...). Libra, it's totally indifferent whether you're going to build a tent in Africa to help Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders), or if you will thread a needle to embroider your great family coat of arms or the personal birth sign for many evenings. Simply Libra wants to see things moving and will not sit with arms folded.
» The 2018 horoscope for Libra

Scorpio, it is a wonderful idea to went on a trip in March. The March horoscope marks the air element as very important and perhaps even as the crucial one. Thus travelling by plane can surely be recommended. If nothing else than try at least to "change the air" on weekends; or get a high-quality scent of home, the so-called "freshener". However, you will do best when you will go to countryside, on mountains or to some peaceful lake. The third month of 2018 can also be described as a period of expansion and growth. Scorpio will be successful at that time.
» The 2018 horoscope for Scorpio

Sagittarius, love is not a procedure that could be captured in an Excel sheet. Similarly, it is not quite possible to express the power of your emotions by using a pie chart. However, this is very fortunate! Even if you may like having your feelings under control, March will convince Sagittarius that freedom and certain unpredictability are the pillars of true love. The monthly horoscope therefore urges Sagittarius: "Learn to perceive uncertainty as an obvious part of every relationship".
» The 2018 horoscope for Sagittarius

According to the horoscope March 2018 will turn into the gateway to the world of relaxation and rest. Capricorn, you should enjoy a stay in the spa, or at least repeatedly take a massage or visit sauna; and spend also one whole weekend in bed (if you are exhausted and work physically the whole week). It may also be useful for Capricorn to recall that “love is going through the stomach” (European proverb). Your darling will appreciate when you show him or her that you can’t only eat an excellent food but also prepare one; or at least choose a genuine delicacy from the menu.
» The 2018 horoscope for Capricorn

Swearing usually does not help to solve any problem, but much worse, it is not sexy at all. Aquarius, do not try to uncork the bottle with a powerful fairy genie inside, even when it may look promisingly in March – in other words, do not venture into a risky business, do not try to destroy your main competitor, nor go out on a challenging expedition to the depths of the Amazon forest. It could all went wrong. The horoscope advises Aquarius rather to focus on everyday affairs and support of the closest family and friends.
» The 2018 horoscope for Aquarius

The horoscope estimates, that in 2018 Pisces will often suffer with “cold feet”, more precisely the intention to flee, when a situation starts to develop unfavourably. Especially in March. We don’t want to say that Pisces belong to cowards, but actually Pisces often choose the way of the least resistance, they leave to others with pleasure becoming heroes or losers (of course with all the risks and possible honours). Pisces, in March, beware of injuries. One must hurry judiciously. Try to look calm and act with pride and dignity, even though you press the wrong floor button in the elevator.