Horoscopes › 2018 › May Horoscope
May 2018 Horoscope

Choose your zodiac sign and enjoy the horoscope. In our horoscopes you will discover the perfect opportunities, weaknesses and challenges that are drawn by an invisible hand of fate on the life's journey of each of us.
Aries | Taurus | Gemini
Cancer | Leo | Virgo
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius
Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries, the horoscope tells you that you will have to withstand extreme temptation in May. Will you meet a new handsome colleague at work? What about a red Ford Mustang 50% discount? Well, who knows? It also seems that Aries will prefer colourful clothing. Leave gray shades for the winter. You are young, no matter if you are 9 or 99. In May, one of your dreams will come true. However, if it is a trip to Tibet or diving on coral reefs, don't forget to insure such holiday properly!
» The 2018 horoscope for Aries

Taurus, the horoscope for May 2018 predicts great skills in sales and marketing.
Do you want to buy or sell a luxury apartment, a yacht or an old grandmother's cupboard? You will have luck even when trying the luck on some rare bazaar. According to the Taurus horoscope, May is also the month of reason and logic. If someone wants to make the right impression on you, he or she will only succeed with the help of hard numbers and tangible facts.
» The 2018 horoscope for Taurus

Gemini, in May it will be wise to rely on a "wait-and-see" attitude. It seems that a poisonous snake may hide somewhere in your neighbourhood. However, the horoscope can't tell you anything about the skin, size or hiding place of such beast. One another thing – in matters of love, Gemini should be ready to accept some novelties. If your partner suggests using a new application that makes you better connected, don't resist and try it. If he or she wants to travel somewhere where you have not been before, surely don't refuse such offer.
» The 2018 horoscope for Gemini

Cancer, flowers will bring you a great joy in the fifth month of 2018 (or, be more precise, the person bringing this flowers to you). Spiritual or mental pleasure will prevail over material needs. The horoscope suggests that May heralds a time when you can save money because you simply don't want to spend them. If you find out that your socks are holey, surprisingly it will not spoil your good mood. Cancer knows that the one who loves you honestly, such person loves and appreciates what's inside, not what's on the surface.
» The 2018 horoscope for Cancer

The Horoscope tells us that Leo may feel a bit dissatisfied in May. Property and material wealth better-than-average are important for Leo, which is neither good nor bad – it's simply a bare fact. It seems, however, that sports talent and, above all, the desire to travel to distant countries (high mountains, cycling, deep-sea diving ...) will be apparent during May. At the same time, Leo will be able to rely on his / her excellent memory. Certainly you will not miss the target even in a deep night, without a map and without a flashlight. Leo will excel in any quiz competition!
» The 2018 horoscope for Leo

Virgo, hopefully you know the loud and alarming "test of sirens". The horoscope tells us that Virgo should be prepared for a similar preventive alarm during May 2018. Get ready for a tough exercise that keeps a person alert – your body and mind prepared for love moments or battle. Except of physical fitness, you should focus primarily on numbers (billing, expenses, ...) as well as on sudden changes in mood that can disturb the harmony of love.
» The 2018 horoscope for Virgo

The Horoscope tells us that people born in the sign of the Libra will be joyful this month. It is obvious that Libra will successfully develop her / his management skills (from the very common household operation to the possible managing of a multinational company). In May you will shine like the sun in the midday sky, somewhere above the Caribbean islands, and people around you will appreciate a good mood that you are able to spread. But for the beginning, we recommend to clean up your working desk as the symbol of your inner thoughts. In May, surprisingly, even love and emotions will need its clear order.
» The 2018 horoscope for Libra

Scorpio, theory is very valuable, but according to the horoscope May is a month when you will use mainly the practical experience. How to fix a jammed drawer? How to choose the ideal mirror in your hall? How to correctly estimate the price of a car that you plan to sell? Or how to remove dust, hair, and dirt that is your pet leaving every day on the carpet? Scorpio, forget the thick manuals and rely on common sense and what you saw with your own eyes (or exceptionally ask more experienced colleagues or family members).
» The 2018 horoscope for Scorpio

May 2018 will be, metaphorically sad, a "cup" full of happiness for all people born in Sagittarius. Sagittarius may be thankful for the overall success primarily to the great ability to concentrate. But this time the stars themselves and the invisible energy penetrating the whole universe will help you, except of course for caffeine and theine as usually. Sagittarius is a zodiac sign which is able to achieve a leading position in May. With a bit of exaggeration we can say that even the hen born in Sagittarius can easily overflow the cock during May. That's the funny but true horoscope's message.
» The 2018 horoscope for Sagittarius

Capricorn, better await some problems in May. A drip drop can fill the cup of patience of those who really love you, but only until one day in May when the level will overflow completely. Capricorn will do best when focusing on issues concerning love and emotions. Such a spilled "cup of patience" is a challenging terrain where you can slip and break your bones easily. Thus the horoscope advices: you can save a lot of money for a dead hope's coffin – just be positive and humble.
» The 2018 horoscope for Capricorn

You can arrange few things with the help of Adobe Photoshop software (ie photos in your internet profile). But there is nothing better in May than proving what is naturally in you. Aquarius, the horoscope predicts that May is the month when excessive affectation and pretence does not pay off in the broadest sense. The May horoscope for 2018 recommends to Aquarius especially to "go out on a limb" – don't be afraid to act quite honestly even when it's risky. Don't play anything and believe that people will appreciate just what is your pure nature.
» The 2018 horoscope for Aquarius

Pisces, something stinks here! But do not worry, it's not a dead fish. What considers your happiness, love and career success, first of all you need to act quickly. Who stays in place for a moment, becomes an easy prey. And as it is known, such a prey may be just a delicious fish. The horoscope tells to people born in Pisces: Be constantly on the move or, on the contrary, hide somewhere and be invisible. Only this way you can avoid being served on a plate with a slice of lemon and white wine.