
The 2016 brings many exciting promises, as you will learn from the horoscope for each zodiac sign. Our hope is growing with the advent of the new year and everyone asks the important question whether we will have a better future. Will your financial situation be better? Will you succeed in love and relationships? Will the family constellation bring you peace? Can you look forward to have better work?
Next year is always a puzzle. The horoscope will help you reveal it's secrets. Instead of worrying behold 2016 with respect. The year will be in fact a challenge and a great motivation as well. Focus on the right opportunity and let it not escape. Always be ready – prepared for the worst, but stay tuned for the best.
Aries | Taurus | Gemini
Cancer | Leo | Virgo
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius
Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Aries - 2016 Horoscope
Aries, purple color will be symbolic for the year 2016. It is mystical and it symbolizes spiritual values and sacred principles (for example the bishops robe is violet). Purple is formed as the union of two very different colors, which are red (blood – energetic force) and blue (sea – peace). Therefore the horoscope predicts a year when you will look primarily for the life balance and spiritual values. As well as purple is symbolically leveling two entirely opposite principles (red and blue), you will have a chance to find the long-desired status of conciliation and inner appeasement this year ... (read more)
Taurus - 2016 Horoscope
Taurus, you will feel perfectly in 2016. The horoscope suggests that you will choose the right direction from the very beginning of the year. The stars will send down good great wind in your sails. However, in order to reach peace, comfort and serenity in your soul, you need to think about some pitfalls you'll face. Revenge is not your typical characteristic, but certainly you do not like to forgive the wrongs. The year 2016 represents a challenge especially in the area of reconciliation ... (read more)
Gemini - 2016 Horoscope
Gemini, in 2016 ten will be a key number for you. You have ten fingers on your hands, so you will do well in manual labor. That's not all, your ten toes will also help to ensure that you will not pointlessly sit at home but you will visit many interesting and inspiring places. Ten is also the symbol of the basic opposites – yin and yang – it contains the numbers 1 and 0, which are the clear expression of existence and non-existence (truth or falsity) in our digital world. The horoscope therefore suggest that the year 2016 will be very distinctive for Gemini ... (read more)
Cancer - 2016 Horoscope
Cancer, at the beginning of 2016, you will probably feel a bit depressed and without energy. Whether the end of previous year was exhausting in work or in private, your mind will surely seize doubts. You will ask where to take sufficient power to manage new emerging challenges. According to the horoscope, this is the answer – people born in the sign of Cancer should do a major step forward in the work or in self-realization during 2016 ... (read more)
Leo - 2016 Horoscope
Leo, your claims are known as high. What has happened in recent years in your life, certainly can not be described as perfect. Naturally you expect better direction from 2016. The horoscope brings you good news. The planets will favor Leo's glamorous appearance and their skills. Nothing, of course, does come by itself. It is just a potential, which you should use to your advantage. Regarding the appearance, your hairstyle or a change of your entire visage can highlight your whole tuning, which will be peaceful and dignified ... (read more)
Virgo - 2016 Horoscope
Virgo, the year 2016 may raise concerns. When you watch the TV news, you can feel distress from what is happening in the world. It is quite possible that you would like to buy a ticket and travel to some distant, better and most importantly safer country. However, if you have a family or a partner, these thoughts will quickly pass. Because you are one of those responsible, someone who takes care and who is able to plan ahead. Your fears represent a challenge that must be overcome. You do not have to pour the wax into the ears to avoid unfortunate statements ... (read more)
Libra - 2016 Horoscope
Libra, the horoscope for 2016 highlights your own efforts as particularly important (does not matter if in work or in private). If you've had interesting ideas previous years, you probably often have not finished them to a successful end. In 2016, however, you have a great chance to change this approach. Of course, that the typical indecision was not the only enemy for many Libra's. If one cares about family and has a very responsible job one must simply know that his free time can be playfully count on the fingers of one hand. But now you have a unique opportunity to change ... (read more)
Scorpio - 2016 Horoscope
Scorpio, there was enough hypocrisy and pretense in recent years. The horoscope clearly indicates that one of your main wishes for 2016 is that the atmosphere around should be full of sincerity, openness and fair play. How much energy you have lost when you had to lie to someone (even if it was the compassionate lie)? How much time does cost the pretending and creating the false impressions? Customers, friends, family – they all were part of a challenging game of truth and falsehood, in which you have become a victim many times in the end ... (read more)
Sagittarius - 2016 Horoscope
Sagittarius, the infinite number of experiences awaits you in 2016. Traveling will be among the most important ones. Perhaps you are already looking forward to the dizzy from visiting the Roman Colosseum, the bolder ones can also set out at Machu Picchu (located in the Peruvian Andes) and who misses 3460 kilometers with joy, can head to the Great Wall in China and pass it from its very start to the end. This is of course only a fraction of your countless travel possibilities, which you will according to the horoscope enjoy ... (read more)
Capricorn - 2016 Horoscope
Capricorn, you are one of those who thinks over the consequences of all actions. And you do not usually go headlong into things. That's why you enjoyed rather successful recent years, at least materially. The Greek proverb says “others goat has a fuller udder”, so you can always find a reason to envy. But you're still sufficiently self-critical and you have a realistic view of the world, so you know that human kind is now in one of its best historical stages. When people lingered the highest average age and when was the lowest infant mortality rate? ... (read more)
Aquarius - 2016 Horoscope
Aquarius, the horoscope for 2016 will please those of you who like athleticism and sports overall. If you want to make your body well, you should start to move more. And which movement is most natural for humans? It's walking! Therefore leave out all means of transport where it is actually possible and go on your own. To the Aquarians living in the city (with some exaggeration) will sidewalks become a second home. And everyone else will get at least an honorable place in the Tourist Club ... (read more)
Pisces - 2016 Horoscope
Pisces, the investment in education is worth according to the horoscope for 2016. As you know, no pain no gain. And so, without the continuous improvement of your knowledge, you can not expect that you would make any significant progress or even a lifetime discovery. Of course you can “turn off” your head and quietly and effortlessly float with the flow, but would this attitude bring you joy? By all accounts, this year you have great potential to reveal what is hidden to others ... (read more)